Our Qualifactions
Thomas K. Dougherty is an Investment Adviser Representative with Cetera Advisor Networks and holds series 6, 63, 65 securities registrations.He has been conducting business since 1992.
Tom also holds a New York State, Conneticut, Maryland, Florida, North Carolina and South Carolina life and Health license as well as a New York State Property and Casualty license. He has held these licenses since 1985.
While being committed to his continuing education Tom is a CLU (Chartered Life Underwriter) as well as a ChFC (Chartered Financial Consultant) he also holds an LUTCF disignation. A CLU and ChFC is an educated and experienced professional. Tom can provide professional advice on a broad range of financial and insurance topics.
With the help and knowledge of a financial adviser, you may be able to :
- Create A Financial Plan
- Help Pursue Financial Independence Through Life Insurance
- Potentially Enhance The Value Of Your Estate
- Manage Your Business
Tom is very active in the community being involved with the Knights of Columbus, The Ancient Order of Hibernians, where he is Past President. Prior to his being elected Predisent he he held the position of Financial Secretary.He is past President for SEPTA (Special Education Parent Teacher Association).Prior to his nomination to the position of President he held the office of Treasurer for two years.Tom was also a long standing member of the golf committee for the Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk County (VIBS).Tom is on the Board of Directors of the LIEG(Long Island Entrepreneurs Group) A local organization that promotes interaction and relationship building between business owners.